Ontario January 8-15th 2015
For some time now I have been fantisizing about images of sea ducks and owls that residents of Ontario post during the winter months. This year just after Christmas I got a great deal on a flight to Toronto,Ontario. January 8th I was on my way!
Some of my target birds were Saw-whet Owls, Long-tailed Ducks, Cardinals, and just about any other waterfowl that do not occur here in Newfoundland on a regular basis. I'm very happy to say I was able to get great shots of almost every species I wanted to see expect Buffelhead. Those beautiful little ducks have been eluding me for a long time. I am sure eventually I'll get some shots of them.
Id like to thank Mark Peck for taking me out shooting on Friday, Saturday & Sunday as these were my best days shooting. Without knowing the local hotspots i surely would not have captured half as many images! Our first day shooting we focused on Long-tailed Ducks & song birds. It was a great day shooting but bitterly cold.
Drake Long-tailed Duck |
Hen Long-tailed Duck |
Long-tailed Duck pair |
All my images of Long-tailed Ducks were taken at the Burlington shipping canal. It was amazing to have hundreds of these ducks zipping by in the nice morning light. This is a location that i will surely be re-visiting next winter! Next we headed to a valley near the Botanical Gardens for some Song birds that have been fed by people so they are extremely friendly and tame.
Male Cardinal |
Female Cardinal |
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Mourning Dove |
White-breasted Nuthatch |
Downy Woodpecker |
More to come in Part two
Nice captures of those flying Long-tailed Ducks. Great work.