So far this winter season the Avalon Peninsula has experienced quite a lot of wind and rain. Although we have had snow on the ground many times, it never lasts with the rain and constant fluctuating temperatures. Again today the island is being hit with yet another winter storm. The west coast of the island has over 60+ cm of snow in some places. I herd on the radio that there was an avalanche that consumed a car, causing the driver to climb out of the window! Here on the Avalon we have had winds gusting upwards of 100km/hr and rain all day. Tonight temps will fall rapidly to -10 or -11c causing a lot of ice tonight.
Ive tried venturing out many times to find more photo opportunities but had few. Recently i did have a good weekend photographing some Tufted Ducks and scaup. Also i got my best images yet of Northern Shoveler!
Northern Shoveler |
Eurasian Wegion |
Tufted Duck |
Tufted Duck |
Hen Tufted Duck |
Greater Scaup |
This weekend past Brad James & I had a great morning at Cape Spear photographing Purple Sandpipers in nice morning light. The waves were very big that morning causing a lot of salt spray (Not good on the cameras). Im very happy with the couple images i was able to capture of the large group of birds.
I like how in the above image you can slightly see the purple coloration on the birds wing. This is the first time I've be able to capture this.