
Monday, 24 March 2014

Old Timers

This past weekend my friend Justin & I headed out to check some nest boxes i had set out 5 years ago and have only checked twice since. The boxes show signs of wear and one of them which was placed near a small pond was shot by a shotgun, its unfortunate that people sometimes do not understand; are less then helpful and destructive.
Anyhow one box seemed to have the remains of a Northern Flicker nest and some yellow feathers from its underwing.

(This nest box located just outside st. johns for Goldeneye had some major damage from ignorant people shooting it with shotguns......)

                                                    (A Boreal Owl box that once housed Northern Flickers)


Its only weeks now till Brad and i make our annual trip to Cape St.Mary's to photograph a ton of sea birds, larks, and maybe caribou! With the winter storm we are experiencing today it does not feel much like spring. Hopefully next week we will have more to discuss.

Awaiting the warm days of spring

                  (American Black Duck nest)

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