
Wednesday, 12 March 2014

A few tips

The clock is ticking to get nest boxes built and placed. Me and my dad have been building everytime we get a chance and distributing boxes as much as possible. Friday is the day that one of hopefully two shipments of boxes arrive on the west coast of Newfoundland. It is so exciting to get some boxes out on that side of the island because there seems to be more Boreal & Northen saw-whet owls on that side of the island since the red backed vole made its way there.

Below is a short video about the kits you will be receiving and a photo of what boxes we built today! Notice a few tree swallow boxes, they too will be arriving in just 2 months and the race is on once again to get more boxes out for cavity nesting birds in Newfoundland.
If you have not recivied an e-mail from me over the last few days I advise you to e-mail me again to remind me you what a box and where you are located so I have enough built.


Wont be much longer till they are here

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