Cape spear offers some great viewing of sea birds depending on what direction the wind is blowing and it can be easy to see species there such as:
WW Scoter
Surf Scoter
Common & King eider
Long-tailed duck
During the winter months it is very common to see huge rafts of eiders out feeding on muscles and other sea life. During the fall, vagrant warblers and other songbirds can easily be seen in the small community of blackhead and along the road to the cape. It takes a very skilled birder to find these vagrants amidst the tangled alders and other common species. Me and brad have seen a few different species of birds on cape spear road but every time we go its a learning experience and we always see something new and interesting.
Along the road to cape spear you can see signal hill off in the distance at a very different point of view. We have tried some landscape photography in the area but only brad has had any real success in that. We hope to try again sometime in the future as cape spear has so much potential.

The best thing about Cape Spear is that you never know what to expect any time of the year. Many tourists visit the cape to go whale watching in summer and also people just like to be able to say that they went as far east as one can go on land. I believe that some people consider it one of the corners of the world.

Cape spear also offers some cool backgrounds and perches for birds. The rocks from what is left over from a part of the African plate many millions of years ago has a different color then most rocks in Newfoundland and make for some interesting images.

Cape Spear also makes for some amazing sunrise images. Open seas, lighthouses and the warm tones of the rising sun what more could you ask for.
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