
Friday, 9 August 2013

Shorebird Season Is Here!

Over the last few weeks Brad and I have tried more then once to get out and photograph some of Newfoundland's Pelagic seabirds but with bad weather and our horrible luck we have had no success. We will continue to try and get out on the water !

In the mean time shorebird season has begun and the birds are starting to show up everywhere. No rare or uncommon shorebirds yet but I am sure they will pop up ! A small harbour near where we both live has become our little hunny hole for shorebird photography. The tidal mud flats are what draws the birds to this cove, we have seen ruddy turnstones, greater yellowlegs, semi plovers, semi sandpipers, black bellied plovers and the list is always growing with other types of birds like king fishers, terns and gulls!

School has just started so I (Brendan) am going to be quite busy. But we have lots of ideas for different images we would like to try and create. So far as you can see shorebird photography has been a great success for us. Also we have a few ideas we are going to try in order to capture some raptors in flight.

Its that time of years again where southern vagrant warblers and other birds appear on the southern Avalon peninsula so we will be trying to get down there and capture some images of them. That is easier said then done but well will try!

The hardest thing about shorebird photography is being patient and still. For what ever reasons when you arrive before the birds or take your extreme time approaching shorebirds then they seem almost tame at times. All the photos in this post were taken by either me or brad lying down in deep stinky mud and slowly crawling towards the birds. If your not dirty by the end of a day shooting shorebirds then your doing it wrong!

I just received a phone call from brad who is looking at a flock or 50+ phalaropes!!!!! Lets just say im a tad bit jealous. He says he has video footage of them so when he arrives home im sure he will post it for everyone to see. Summer is quickly wrapping up and fall is starting to work its was to Newfoundland. Stay tuned for something different!

1 comment:

  1. These are some awesome shorebird pics!
    Especially love the Dowitcher one!!

    Looking forward to more photos :)
