
Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Photographing the Common Loon - An uncommon expericence

 About two weeks ago a friend of mine named Justin had told me about a "tame" loon he had found not far out on the highway. I knew there had to be something up as loons here on the island are not usually approached. When we arrived at the lake around 6am I found a pair of common loons nesting on and island not far from shore. The lighting was perfect and the flies where not too bad...
I slowly crawled on my chest with tripod and camera somehow attached to my back towards the low lying edge of the pond. To my surprise the birds didn't even notice me and began to feed near by and bathe. Both me and brad had a chance to get some shots of the loons. The two eggs in the nest hatched exactly one week later. It was an experience I think both of us will never forget.

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