
Saturday, 15 February 2014

It's building time again!

Just a quick upload of a few boreal owl boxes. These are just the tip of the iceberg. 


  1. Hi Brendan, would you happen to know if there are owls around the St. Thomas Line area. There are lots of trees and rodents. Was thinking about putting up an owl box.

  2. Hello,
    I would imagine there are owls in that area. I have a few boxes built and ready to set up so I can hook you up with a few if you would like. Boxes need to be placed in thick stands of rather large trees. As this is the kind of location owls will be looking for nest sites. Also you going to need to get a ladder to place the boxes far enough up in the trees. 10-15 is around where you want them.

  3. How much do you sell the owl boxes for? You are doing a great service for our feathered friends. We have made chickadee boxes with great success. There are numerous flickers in our area, may put up a box for them as well. We noticed last year swallows using a box not far from By The Beach restuarant in St. Phillips. We are not far from there , may consider a swallow box .

  4. I dont sell the boxes, I'm very happy with people showing an interest in the project and love when people are willing to help so i have a few boxes here ready for you to set up if you wish. Near the end of march i will have some tree swallow boxes too. Contact me on my e-mail for more information

  5. Thank you, I shall get in contact soon.
