
Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Local Waterfowl

Fall in Newfoundland is a beautiful time of the year with the leaves changing and the crisp mornings. However the birds seem to be few and far between and so we shoot what we can, like local waterfowl! Some of the species we commonly see are:

American Black Duck
Green Wing Teal
Both Eurasian and American Wigeon
Tufted Duck
Greater & Lesser Scaup
A Wood Duck every now and then
Hooded Mergansers are not that unusual and I've herd from local hunters they are much more common then in years past
Common & Red breasted Mergansers
Common & King Eider
Long tailed Duck

(Not all species are seen in fall, winter is the better time to see the sea ducks)


Over the next few weeks we are planning on doing some set ups at our feeders and also going and trying to photograph some moose!

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