
Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Second Boreal Owl Nest Box Outing

After 5 hours on Friday night I (Brendan) and my dad  had completed six more nest boxes and had six more cut out and waiting to be put together. I also have 1 that was damaged from last year that I have to replace the back on before I can put it back out.
Sunday six o'clock AM brad and I set off for the lower Salmonier line to a place nick named owl alley. We brought along with us six more boxes to place in hopes of getting boreal AND saw-whet owls. Local birder Paul linigar shed some light as to where over the years he has seen and heard numerous owls so thank you Paul.

Both brad and I have been in that area in the past but we have never visualised it as a place for boxes. We were astonished when we got in the bush as to how rich the area is and how old the forest is. Perfect for owls favourite pray item the vole. The stretch of road was not as long as we hoped so we only got out five boxes. We didnt place all six because we wanted to space them out so there would be no worries of owls territory's crossing.

We were so caught up in the beauty of the pristine boreal forest that we completely forgot to take pictures and videos which is strange for us !

Next time I'm sure we will make up for forgetting this time around. This upcoming weekend the plan is to place boxes on bauline line and Indian meal line. Also maybe of we have time we will try for pictures of maybe some eagles and other birds of the popular Quidy Vidi Lake.

Below are some shots we got on the way home in Holyrood.

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