At the beginning of this year we had hoped for a few days of very cold weather and no wind which would freeze up the ponds before the snow came. This would allow us to get some shots of the divers in calm water with beautiful reflections of the foliage around. Once the snow comes the reflects will change and you will end up with alot of white in your images. Below are some shots we've gotten so far this year
Female Greater Scaup
Female Greater Scaup
Male Tuffed Duck
Male Tuffed Duck
Male Greater Scaup, this was taken recently after we had snow. See how the colors have changed in these two photos compared to the rest
Male Tuffed duck

Common Mergansers have been eluding us for some time. This winter we are going to try and use decoys and all white clothes to hopefully blend in more with the snow. We will be sure to include some photos of when we do that!