In the upcoming weeks you can expect lots of photos of things like puffins, swallows (our favourite) some landscapes and if we are lucky we may be able to get out on a boat and photograph some sea birds that you can not photograph commonly from shore like Northern Fulmar, Shearwaters, and who knows maybe a storm petrel or two!

Like I mentioned in a previous post we have some exiting news ! The town of Paradise has agreed to erect a sign in the community on our behalf. The sign is to draw more people to our natural areas and make them more aware of animals and birds alike who live in wetlands! The sign will feature some of mine and brads photos of birds etc. Keep your eyes open as you drive on topsail road by Neville's pond in paradise in the near feature. Also Newfoundland Power and the town of Paradise are working with me and brad to place some osprey nesting platforms in Paradise. With so much construction and development happening we have to try our best to keep some areas pure and natural.